Orion Protocol


Ubuntu Docker/Source Installation Guide

You can install Docker and/or Orion Broker by selecting either of the following options from the tabs below:

  • Scripts: download and use automated install scripts.
  • Manual: run install commands manually.

Using Docker is the preferred way of installing and running Orion Broker.


Install via Docker

Supported versions: 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 19.04

  1. Install Docker

Skip this step if you already have Docker installed. Run the following commands:

# 1) Download Docker install script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orionprotocol/orion-broker/master/install-docker-ubuntu.sh

# 2) Enable script permissions
chmod a+x install-docker-ubuntu.sh

# 3) Run installation

Warning: Please restart terminal — Close and restart your terminal window to enable the correct permissions for docker command before proceeding to next step.

  1. Install Orion Broker

Run the following commands:

# 1) Download and run Orion Broker
docker run -it -v broker_data:/usr/src/app/dist -p 4000:4000 -p 4001:4001 orionprotocol/orion-broker:latest

# 2) Hide Orion Broker CLI:
Ctrl + P + Q

# 3) Return to Orion Broker CLI:

docker ps

docker attach <CONTAINER_ID>

Install from Source

Supported versions: 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, 19.04

  1. Install Git

Skip this step if you already have Git installed. Run the following commands:

sudo apt install git-all
  1. Install Orion Broker.
# 1) Download install script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/orionprotocol/orion-broker/master/install-source-ubuntu.sh

# 2) Enable script permissions
chmod a+x install-source-ubuntu.sh

# 3) Run installation

What's next

Please proceed to Overview in the next section for basic steps of settng up the Orion Broker.

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